Amira Language School’s French programs have many small groups and levels in parallel, which run all year round with a maximum of 8 students per group.

This means you can start your French lessons at any moment in the year at the exact appropriate level – make consistent, Step by Step ®, progress with students of a similar level in a small, motivated group – and finish when you want. The small groups mean you will have plenty of opportunity for conversation and practice in the classroom, both with the teacher and with your fellow students.

You will find fellow students here from all over the world in Amira’s large programme of French courses.

The school is very popular with students from the international community in Brussels. Like many others, in your first years in Brussels you will enjoy that Amira becomes a part of your life – somewhere both to find friends and to learn the language. Naturally as you go on and you deepen your contact with the language, you will find a correspondingly deep sense of shared and personal satisfaction.

Amira’s teachers are motivated professionals who have studied and dedicated their careers to teaching French.

Most have at least one Master’s degree in “FLE” (français langue étrangère) – and often a second Master’s qualification. At a series of interviews before they join, the school selects friendly, enthusiastic teachers with a strong ability to communicate their mother tongue. You will be in good hands!

Amira's pedagogical philosophy emphasises caring, friendly and creative oral comamunication.

The focus in our French groups is on speaking, while you follow a graduated programme in a lively, practical and fun way.

Amira’s pedagogical programmes are built around 6 modules (12 consecutive half levels) in accord with the common framework of levels for language teaching established by the Council of Europe.

Here you will find the skills to:

– enjoy life and culture with French-speaking friends and family;
– be at ease with work and study in Brussels;
– develop better relationships with your French-speaking colleagues;
– prepare for entry to a French speaking university.