England Courses

From the declamatory soliloquies of Shakespeare, the descriptions of Charles Dickens to Hollywood action movies and presidential speeches, it is English that holds a mirror to the world. In science, politics, business, music, creative arts, media, diplomacy,… English takes you easily to live and work in Great Britain, USA and all the countries where it is a national language.  In Brussels, English is the common language of many international families – and worldwide it’s the language of iconic celebrities, of empires, of ambition – of measuring yourself for success “New York” style. You simply cannot overestimate the personal importance of speaking English : the doors to professional and personal fulfillment it opens for you.

All courses available

Actiris Courses

Daily Intensive Groups

Cultural Immersions

Private Immersions

Private Lessons

Private Lessons

Language Workshops

French Language Workshops

Intra Enterprise

Intra Enterprise
